We are a nonprofit raising policymaker awareness about AI risks, aiming to slow potentially dangerous research and accelerate technical safety. We have ambitious goals and need to move fast. Come work with us! About Palisade
Mid/Senior-level position, remote full-time
We need someone who can take our research findings and turn them into stories that stick - whether that's a viral Twitter thread or a paper at ICLR. Our work should reach diverse audiences from Reddit's programming community to WIRED journalists to congressional staffers. As Research Dissemination Lead, you'll work with our researchers to package their work for maximum impact.
What you’ll do
- Turn complex research into clear writing that different audiences do want to read
- Polish up papers heading to venues like arXiv, ICLR, or Black Hat
- Run our Twitter presence and build relationships with tech reporters
- Work with publications like WIRED, The Verge, and MIT Tech Review
- Team up with researchers to sharpen their arguments and evidence
- Get our work in front of the right eyes - whether that's through HackerNews or policy briefs
Our collaboration process
- We post daily statuses for each other to keep in sync regarding our directions. Each project has a daily sync, and there’s a weekly lab demo to show off our results.
- We propose new ideas or directions by writing up a doc, sharing it, and getting comments. This enables async communication.
- Our median response time to each other is in hours, not minutes; we work in an independent and self-directed fashion. Your supervisor helps you maintain direction; colleagues help with the implementation; you keep track of your tasks and milestones.
- You’ll closely collaborate with researchers throughout the project lifecycle.
What you'll need
- Technical writing skill: Can explain latest technology without putting people to sleep
- Range: Comfortable writing for both Reddit and academic conferences